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Top 7 benefits of Personalized eLearning


Games attract individuals irrespective of their age group. In the present online scenario, many industries are applying gaming elements to procure extra advantages. Similarly, the eLearning industry is incorporating gaming elements into a non-gaming context to yield measurable results.

Corporates exploring eLearning processes for workforce management aim to make training sessions interesting and interactive. Furthermore, adding gamification elements in eLearning sessions promises active participation and increased productivity.

Still wondering how gamification enhances your learner’s experience?

As there are many benefits of Gamification in eLearning, here are the Top 10 reasons of how gamification is effective:
  1. Driving engagement

    Games are always emboldening! Gamification in eLearning is exciting. Being used for stimulating interactive training sessions across Corporates, gamification in eLearning offers engaging results. Real-based scenario learning embedded with competitive elements adds fun along with increased learning possibilities. They are highly encouraged with positive participation resulting in higher positive outcomes.
  2. Driving Productivity

    Gamification is always fascinating. It draws more participation with active involvement. As gamification in eLearning is not mundane, it inspires employees and learners to participate and complete a given task voluntarily. Additionally, utilizing gamification for daily chores and mini-tasks stipulates enthusiastic participation with higher concentration value. It thus leads to more productivity even in systematic situations in Corporates. As such, using gamification Corporates can increase productivity to meet short-term objectives too.
  3. Influential Learning

    As humans have an immensely short-term memory, we often tend to ignore a lot of essential information. Gamification as an appealing platform is highly influential. Scenario-based learning with real-time situations in gaming can generate appropriate responses from employees. It determines how they would respond and act upon a given situation. Thus, gamification in eLearning is highly persuasive.
  4. Higher Retention

    Gamification in eLearning is highly captivating. However, learning is incomplete without recall. Thus, gamification provides a fun experience to learners, an excellent learning strategy develops a higher engagement level too. Additionally, the engagement level also builds an increased higher retention value.
  5. Healthy Competition

    Gamification in eLearning boosts self-esteem. It provides opportunities for learners to interact and earn rewards which instead persuades learners. As the platform is already enjoyable adding high scores and ranking points can further increase participation with veracious spirit. This also builds an optimistic environment for the workforce to engage in corporate training and learn more about company goals.
  6. Time-effective

    Gamification as a fun and effective process stipulates learners’ interests. When compared to traditional training sessions, your workforce or employees are more likely to favour eLearning entrenched with Gamification elements. They are likely to spend more time on the platform to learn and grab more information about your company’s vision, goals, and objectives. As a comprehensive platform, eLearning can be further used for sales training, compliance training, soft skills, customer support, or induction programs. It guarantees 100% attention with absolute delight.
  7. Improving Performance

    Gamification captures learners’ attentiveness and keeps them active throughout the session. Interactive elements like quizzes, puzzles, and competition keep the learner thoroughly occupied. It helps them to understand a Company and respond appropriately as per the objectives. Additionally, it also helps learners to understand how they are performing and what they can do better. Companies also get a clear understanding of how their workforce is performing and what they can further implement for improving their performances.
  8. Instant Feedback

    Feedbacks are always critical and essential for learning. Until you know your shortcomings, how can you know what to improve? Learning is indeed an unending process. Gamification in eLearning provides enhanced learning possibilities with instant feedback. This feedback helps learners to understand what they know, where they stand, and what more can they learn. Feedback is imperative and equally reassuring for the workforce to keep learning.
  9. Enhancing Skills

    Skills are important for all job scenarios. While it is important to know your skills, it is equally important to keep working and enhancing your skills. Thus, gamification in eLearning supports skill enhancement through its practical training approach. Real-time based training sessions with realistic applications helps the learners to understand the situation and applied results. This enables them to gauge their skills and further rectify and upskill where required.
  10. Work with play

    As the saying goes, “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy’ is equally relevant to your workforce management. Sitting amidst the four walls, following protocols, routine work with long hours of training can certainly make them dull and exhausted. However, adding gaming components in eLearning does not mean all games and no work. It simply makes the working environment more effective with efficient learning. It adds a greater recreation value.
Hence, Gamification in eLearning adds value and significance to the regular learning procedure. It fuels greater engagement and retention value that might be otherwise overlooked in regular learning hours.
Get in touch if you want to improve the learner experience by including gamified learning on their to-do list.
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